Appsulate receives investment from Mihai Rotaru, founder of Clever Taxi

Appsulate receives investment from Mihai Rotaru, founder of Clever Taxi

Mihai Rotaru, one of the founders of Clever Taxi application, is investing in the cyber-security startup, Appsulate, the winner of  "Start-up Excellence Award" at Innovation Labs 2018.

Even since I sold Clever Taxi I announced that one of my plans is to invest in promising local startups to offer my contribution to the development of the technology entrepreneurial environment. Appsulate has attracted my attention through the extremely well-formed team and the innovation it proposes. I see a tremendous potential in their gradual transformation into leader in the cyber-security area, especially in the context of a future in which the work environment is moving increasingly to the remote ,” said Mihai Rotaru.

Appsulate was founded by Alex Negrea and Uli Mittermaier and supports organizations in fighting cyber attacks by protecting critical web applications.

Appsulate is an isolated environment that acts as a shield between the user and web applications securing both internal and external users: when remote workers or third parties need to access corporate web applications, Appsulate prevents data exfiltration and provides control, monitoring and compliance as no data can stay behind on unmanaged endpoints. Internal users are protected from malicious web content as Appsulate sends only pixels to the local browser. Appsulate runs in the cloud, accessible from any web browser.