


Dekeneas is a cybersecurity company focused on providing solutions to address complex known and unknown cyberattacks like watering holes and cryptojacking in today's changing threat landscape. Dekeneas's solutions are the result of more than 30 years of combined experience in both offensive and defensive cyber operations, enhanced by advanced AI frameworks.

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Currently, Dekeneas provides three types of products:

  • Browser Attack Detector: an AI-powered web malware scanner able to discover attacks against browsers, such as exploits, watering holes, crypto jacking or data skimming, for laptops, desktops, mobile, or IoT devices.
  • Cybersecurity threat intelligence: platform that collects data about attacks against traditional technologies, ICS/SCADA, medical or IoT technologies.
  • Decoy system “Am I Owned”: system that transforms your networks and devices into honey traps that lure attackers, making them unveil the presence on the premises before they are able to perform any actual damaging actions.

Target customer

Dekeneas solution is created for organizations who are facing complex cyberattacks and are interested to deal with them effectively. The company became a choice of big companies caring about their security like Orange Romania and Romanian National Cybersecurity Directorate.

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