5G Online Challenge: looking for the products that will change our world
We're happy to announce the 5G Online Challenge - a contest dedicated to entrepreneurs and product developers that building products based on the 5G & IoT technologies. The best teams will be selected for the Orange Fab acceleration program and will get access to equipment, dedicated platforms and communication infrastructure, as well as to Orange's 5G labs in Bucharest, for extended tests.
“We encourage the development of new products in domains like cyber security, mobility, retail, smart city, media, entertainment, health or digital education. Through the 5G Online Challenge, we reach out to innovators in the 5G and IoT areas, with whom we aim to build long term partnerships, including common participation with Orange Romania in Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe research projects." - Cristian Pațachia, Development & Innovation Manager at Orange Romania.
1 November: Deadline for online applications
2 November - 23 November: Preselected teams will benefit from the expertise of Orange Fab mentors
24 November: Final selection event when preselected teams will present their products and answer questions from the jury; winners announcement.
What can you win?
We're looking for teams fit for a long term collaboration. As part of the Orange Fab program, 5G Online Challenge finalists will get:
- Mentoring to refine the product
- Support for client pilot projects
- Workspace through the Hub Pass program
Also, you can get access to Orange's 5G labs in Bucharest and to a set of equipment, platforms, APIs and connectivity options that form the 5G and IoT ecosystem in Orange Romania:
- Equipment and connectivity in the Orange 5G network [1]
- Access to 5G resources and platforms developed in Horizon 2020 research projects SLICENET, MATILDA, 5G-EVE and 5G-VICTORI
- Connectivity through dedicated IoT communication networks (LoraWAN or LTE-M) and access to Live Objects, Orange's secured IoT platform for connected objects and data management
- Access to Orange API's like Wi-Fi Smart City Data Feed or Anonymized Cyber Security Events
- Access to Orange Business Services' cloud solutions, Flexible Engine and Flexible Computing
Selection criteria
- Innovative solutions coupled with real life needs
- Best use of technology
- Feasibility and team fit for the proposed solution
- Common business opportunity for Orange and the startup
- 5G-PPP: 5G and Verticals
- GSMA: Network slicing - Use Case Requirements
Webinars delivered by Orange Romania experts
5G technolgy and products of the future - in partnership with start-up.ro
5G and Horizon 2020 research projects - event by Cowork Timișoara with Cristian Pațachia - Development & Innovation Manager, Orange Romania and Vlad Vînătu - Public Funded Projects Coordinator, Continental.
Today's technology for tomorrow's products - event by FabLab Iasi with Cristian Pațachia - Development & Innovation Manager, Orange Romania and Ciprian Comșa - Innovation Manager, Continental Automotive and Leturer at the „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University in Iasi
Proiecte Horizon 2020 și oportunități pentru sectorul IT - eveniment Oradea Tech Hub cu Cristian Pațachia, Development & Innovation Manager, Orange România.
5G technology and new business opportunities - webinar delivered by Marius Iordache - 5G Technical Project Manager, Orange Romania for Innovation Labs 2020
Latest tech trends and opportunities for companies and startups - webinar by Oradea Tech Hub with Cristian Pațachia - Development & Innovation Manager, Orange Romania
The 5G architecture, results and use-cases developed in the SLICENET research project - webinar delivered by Marius Iordache
[1] Check out the Orange Romania coverage map to find out the 5G network availability.